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378 Do You See a Pattern?


Most people know that 378 is a composite number because it’s obviously divisible by 2, but I know that 378 is a composite number because 18 x 21 = 378. I didn’t use a calculator or multiply 18 and 21 by hand. I know this multiplication fact because I can see a pattern, because 18 + 3 = 21 and because SUBTRACTING 2 from a number is easy.

“What is this pattern?” you ask. Here it is. Do you see the pattern, too?

The pattern looks like this on the multiplication table:

So how did I know that 18 x 21 = 378? I knew because I can easily compute 19 x 20 = 380 in my head, and 380 – 2 = 378.

What is all the factoring information for 378?


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