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391 To a Wild Rose


2^391 (mod 391) = 179, not 2 so 391 is definitely a composite number. Scroll down below the puzzle to view its factors.

When I was in elementary school, my sister, Sue, taught me a song she learned in her junior high choir class. I’m not able to find these lyrics on the internet, but as best as I can remember, the words of the song were:

In the woods, in the spring, blooms the lovely wild rose. Every bud waking facing the sun. Hearts of spring, beat on thee, as the light of day grows. Dew drops glisten on you, Wild Rose. Fill the countryside with your lovely fragrance. Sun keeps your petals warm, leaves hide you from harm. Day will break, petals close, close them, oh, so tightly. Cover your beauty from the cool night. Birds, winging, singing through the woodland. Sleep and dream, sleep and dream, sleep and dream.

Print the puzzles or type the factors on this excel file:12 Factors 2015-02-09

391 is in this cool pattern:

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