1077 and Level 5

If you aren’t careful I might trick you into writing the numbers from 1 to 10 in the wrong places on this level 5 puzzle. Don’t let me trick you! Only write a factor if you know for sure where it goes. Study all the clues until logic directs you where to start.

Print the puzzles or type the solution in this excel file: 10-factors-1073-1079

Here is a little information about the number 1077:

It was difficult finding something unique about 1077, so I’m writing about a few things that I don’t usually mention:

1077 can be written as the difference of two squares two different ways:
539² – 538² = 1077
181² – 178² = 1077

1077 is the sum of two consecutive numbers 538 + 539 = 1077
1077 is the sum of three consecutive numbers 358 + 359 + 360
1077 is also the sum of three consecutive odd numbers 357-359-361

1077 is a leg in four Pythagorean triples:
1077-1436-1795 which is (3-4-5) times 359,
1077-193320-193323 which is 3 times (359-64440-64441),
1077-64436-64445 calculated from 181² – 178², 2(181)(178), 181² + 178², and
1077-579964-579965 calculated from 539² – 538², 2(539)(538), 539² + 538²

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